In the first two weeks of lesson we talked a lot about blogs and how to create them. We discussed the way to create an interesting and well constructed blog, for example by using paragraphing or bullet points. I think that these are good suggestions but I think that now the most important thing is to practise them! I have little problems with computer and I do not know exactly how technically I can create a blog... However, after a period a training I hope I will able to set up a beutiful blog!!
Hi Vale,
I agree with you when you say that we learned a lot about blogs with regards to the language, the structure, etc. I also have some difficulties when I 'm asked to put everything in practice, but I think that day by day we can improve our blogs, it's only a question of time and patience. At the beginning it may appear difficult, and sometimes also boring, when you can't manage to do somenthing on your blog. For example, I tried to modify my profile by putting my photo but succceeded only after many attempts.
I also think that the language used in our blogs is very important, that's why I appreciate our professor's idea of giving us a feedback to our works so that we avoid to repeate the same mistakes. It may seem easier to write a blog rather than a composition, for example, because the former is characterized by a more informal language. However, I noticed that I have some lacks while writing in an everyday languge and that I miss the typical idiomatic expressions that I frequently use when I speak in Italian.
I just take advantage to correct two mistakes you made:
- practicing, is written with "c" not with "s"
- beutiful, is missing the "a" between "e" and "u".
I really enjoy the picture you posted, but soon you will have to change it as we are entering the blogosphere :)
See you on Monday
Bye bye
Hi Vale, how are you?
First of all, Congratulation for the picture “I Do Not Have A Blog”, it’s really funny and suitable for the situation. But I can’t figure out why the subject is a common bag, have you any idea?...maybe for the word play “blog-bag”..
Anyway, our friend Monica has already pointed out that you’ll soon have to update your blog posting a new picture in which you could transmit the message that now you are a blogger. So what will you post? In other words, we are waiting for something even more bizarre…look out and don’t disappoint us. Don’t worry Vale, I’m joking.
See you later
Hi Vale!!
I liked the photo of the bag you put on your blog, in which it is written:"I do not have a blog"!!I think that this photo means that the person who has got that bag doesn't have a personal blog, so he has to use a bag to put in everything belongs to him...I don't know if it could be a possible explanation, it's only my personal opinion!what do you think about it??
bye bye!
Hi Vale!
What a great picture! Do you think that a bag can represent a blog? I mean, like a holder in which you can put whatever you want: thoughts, reflections, interesting information, pictures and songs!? The only difference is that a blog is something virtual, whereas a bag is real and less technological!! But now, thanks to this course we are leaving the early history to enter into the technological-digital future! And I’m sure that following Sarah’s corrections and indications and also each other’s feedbacks we’ll improve our english and learn a lot about blogs!
Hi girls!
I’m really happy that you all liked the photo I posted! I found it simply searching with Google… I put the key word “blog”, I searched in “images” and then appeared interesting things, for example introductory drawings for your personal blog, like “welcome to my blog” etc. and the bag I chose to post. It’s a bag that you can find for sale; since now there are a lot of people who have their personal blog, I think it’s a kind of distinction mark for those who do not have it. However, I like your opinion of the blog as a bag in which put interests, opinions, thoughts… Hope that we’ll able to take them out at the right moment! Girls’ bags are always in a mess… ;-)
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